I have been editing both fiction and nonfiction, novels and short stories for over four years. This has ranged from overall editing to line-edits, from discussing plot structure and whether your pinch points have the right stakes to word usage within a particular paragraph. I generally edit sci-fi, thriller, and literary types of work, but I'm flexible in terms of genre.

At this time, I provide the following services:

Developmental Editing

This is basically big-picture editing. Does the story work? Are there logical errors? Do the characters fit the story? Is the structure right?

I am a big believer in helping you complete the story that YOU want. We all have biases, habits, and preferences when we read or write something. However, I am working for you. I have read works in the past and made notes, but before I made suggestions, I asked the author what she/he wanted the story to accomplish, how they wanted it to read, etc. That guided me when I started editing. I'm here to help you, so if you want your work to be wittier, I can make suggestions. If you want it faster-paced, more character driven, etc, I will work with you to make that a reality.

Copy Editing

This deals with the down-and-dirty mechanics of your work: the grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Those pesky details that can throw your reader (or potential agent) out of your story. I will do a detailed edit of your novel, fixing the mechanics of your work.


I charge by a per hour basis or per page basis, whichever works better (we would agree on which one before I start).

For Developmental Editing, I charge $4/page. Per hour would be $50/hour (Generally, I'm a fast reader, but when I'm editing, I slow down and many times reread things. so a per-page fee usually makes more sense for you). Editing would consist of a read of your entire work, a detailed letter with comments/suggestions/notes, and a phone call (up to one hour) to discuss my notes, your questions, etc.

For Copy Editing, I charge $6/page, as it is more detailed work. Per hour would be $50/hour, although since it is more detailed, it will take more time. So again, a per-page fee normally makes more sense.


As far as timing, it depends on the size of the project, obviously, and my current work load. However, I will work with you so we are both in agreement before I start any project, so you know what to expect.

If you are interested in my services, please contact me via the Contact page.