Welcome! I'm an author of science fiction novels and short stories.

The first novel in The Price Of trilogy, The Price of Safety, was released on April 6, 2020. The novel was chosen as a 2020 Indie Book Awards Finalist in two categories: Science Fiction and Thriller. In addition, it was chosen as a 2020 National Indie Excellence Award finalist for debut novel.

The second novel, The Price of Rebellion, was released in May 2023 and has been awarded Best Science Fiction Novel of the year by Indies Today.

Both The Price of Safety and The Price of Rebellion are available in paperback, hard cover, e-book, and as an audiobook. In fact, The Price of Safety is now available on Audible as of March 2024!

I’m also an editor, having worked with award-nominated writers for the past six years.

Click on the links to learn more about me, my novels, my experience pitching one of my other ideas to Columbia Pictures, and more.


About me


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About my novels

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Find out about my award-winning novels The Price of Safety and its sequel The Price of Rebellion by clicking the button below.

About my services


If you're looking for an editor for your novel, short story, memoir, etc., click below to discover how I can help.